What we do
The Poverty and Inequality Commission was established from 1 July 2019. It is an advisory non-departmental public body which provides independent advice and scrutiny to Scottish Ministers on poverty and inequality. The Child Poverty (Scotland) Act 2017 sets out specific requirements for the Commission in relation to child poverty. These include Providing advice to Ministers ...
How we work
The following principles set out how we will work as a Commission. We will be: Courageous and honest Say what is right, not what is easy  Drive progress and change by providing constructive challenge Evidence-based Use evidence, from statistics and from people’s testimony, to inform, scrutinise and monitor progress Listening and accessible Be visible, accessible ...
Who we are
Professor Stephen Sinclair – Chair Stephen Sinclair is Professor of Social Policy and Co-director of the Scottish Poverty and Inequality Research Unit at Glasgow Caledonian University, and also a Visiting Professor at the University of Parma. He has authored and contributed to several books and numerous academic and other outputs on different aspects of social ...
The Commission was established as an Advisory Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB) from the 1st of July 2019 through the Child Poverty (Scotland) Act 2017. The Child Poverty Act was amended by The Public Services Reform (Poverty and Inequality Commission) (Scotland) Order 2018 in order to expand the functions of the Commission to reflect those of ...
Working groups
The core Poverty and Inequality Commission represents a broad range of experience and knowledge, however in order to provide robust advice it is sometimes necessary to bring in additional expertise. These groups will be formed to examine a particular issue or area of policy. Working Groups will be formed at the discretion of the Commission, ...
Freedom of information
The Poverty and Inequality Commission is committed to being open and transparent across all of our activities and will proactively share meeting minutes, research and other information on our website. The Commission was established as a public body on 1 July 2019 and is now subject to requests made under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) ...
Procurement and Contracts
Procurement is undertaken by Scottish Ministers on behalf of the Commission, in accordance with Scottish Government procurement policy. Details of the Scottish Government’s procurement policy can be found here. Contracts will be awarded through the Public Contacts Scotland website. Details of any Invitations to Tender and any contracts awarded by the Scottish Government on behalf ...