
The Commission was established as an Advisory Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB) from the 1st of July 2019 through the Child Poverty (Scotland) Act 2017. The Child Poverty Act was amended by The Public Services Reform (Poverty and Inequality Commission) (Scotland) Order 2018 in order to expand the functions of the Commission to reflect those of the existing non-statutory Commission. More information about advisory NDPBs can be found on the Scottish Government’s website.

The Commission provides independent expert advice to Scottish Ministers and others. It does not employ staff or hold a budget. The Scottish Government makes resources available to the Commission, including a dedicated secretariat, to ensure the Commission is able to undertake its role. Its members are appointed by Scottish Ministers. The Commission is accountable to Ministers and through Ministers to Parliament.

Governance documents

  • The framework document – This sets out the relationship between Ministers, the Scottish Government and the Commission.
  • Standing orders – This sets out the procedures by which the Commission conducts business.
  • Code of conduct – Each public body in Scotland is obliged to have a Code of Conduct for their appointed Members, to reflect the functions and characteristics of the individual body. These individual Codes are approved by Scottish Ministers and adapted from a Model Code of Conduct approved by the Scottish Parliament.
  • Whistleblowing Policy – This document sets out the Body’s policy on qualifying disclosures, explaining what such a disclosure is, who the policy applies to, as well as how to raise a concern, both internally and externally.


The Scottish Government has made £391,528 available to the Poverty and Inequality Commission for 2024/25 .


The Chair of the Poverty and Inequality Commission is entitled to receive a fee of £306 per day for his work for the Commission, up to a maximum of 48 days in any financial year.

Commissioners are entitled to receive a fee of £225 per day for their work for the Commission, up to a maximum of 17 days in any financial year.

Scottish Ministers may, exceptionally, approve additional remuneration for the Chair or Commissioners for a particular financial year, if it is necessary in order for them to perform their functions and successfully deliver the Commission’s objectives.

The Chair and Commissioners may also be reimbursed for reasonable expenses, such as travel costs, that arise from their appointment to the Commission.

Registration of Interests can be found under Who We Are

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