Poverty and Inequality Commission Cost of Living Advice to Scottish Government

September 2022

The Poverty and Inequality Commission has published its advice to the Scottish Government on the cost of living crisis. In May 2022, the Commission was asked by the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing and Local Government to provide advice on actions that the Scottish Government could take in the short, medium and long term to support those most at risk with the cost of living crisis.

While most of the powers to act on the cost of living crisis lie with the UK Government, the Scottish Government has an important role in supporting households in Scotland. The Commission provided its initial advice to the Scottish Government in June 2022, followed by further advice in August 2022.

The initial advice focused on action that the Scottish Government could take in the short term to quickly provide support to households that were missing out on existing UK Government support with the cost of living, or receiving insufficient support for the costs they face. The final advice looked at medium to longer term options that could support households through the winter and beyond.

Download: Poverty and Inequality Commission – Final Cost of Living advice to Scottish Government – 12 August 2022 

Download: Cost of living – Initial advice from PIC to SG – 14 June 2022


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