June 2021
The Poverty and Inequality Commission has written to the UK Government Home Secretary, Priti Patel MP, about the Aspen debit card provided to people seeking asylum. An apparently mishandled transfer between providers of the card has left people seeking asylum with no means to feed or provide for…
May 2021
Experience of poverty cannot be disentangled from other inequalities that shape society in Scotland. In this report, which provides recommendations for the Poverty and Inequality Commission, Rachel Statham Senior Fellow at IPPR Scotland has reviewed existing research and policy in Scotland as it relates to intersectionality and inequalities.…
May 2021
For the Commission, the Scottish Poverty and Inequality Research Unit (SPIRU) of Glasgow Caledonian University have produced a rapid evidence review of the academic literature. It reports on how people with lived experience of poverty are involved in policy and service development and delivery. The evidence from this…
March 2021
The Poverty and Inequality Commission commissioned the Scottish Poverty Inequality Research Unit (SPIRU) to undertake research to further understand the role of free school meals as an anti-poverty action in Scotland and to identify and share good practice and learning around providing free school meals.
The findings of…
February 2021
The Poverty and Inequality Commission was asked by Scottish Government to form the Addressing Low Income Policy Circle to develop proposals and recommendations to tackle and reduce poverty in Scotland for consideration by the Social Renewal Advisory Board and following this by Scottish Ministers. The Addressing Low Income…
February 2021
The Poverty and Inequality Commission has published its Strategic Plan which sets out the vision and priorities that will guide the Commission’s work up until 2023. The five priorities in the Strategic Plan describe what the Commission will focus on in advising, supporting and challenging partners to embed…
December 2020
The Poverty and Inequality Commission has published its Biodiversity report for 2019-20. Under the Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004, all public bodies in Scotland are under a statutory duty to further the conservation of biodiversity when carrying out their responsibilities. Public bodies are required to report every three…