October 2020
The Poverty and Inequality Commission commissioned Poverty Alliance to co-produce guidance for how experts by experience should be involved in shaping and informing the Commission’s work. This guidance outlines how experts by experience want to be involved in decision making, highlights the importance of creating genuine channels of…
August 2020
This report sets out the Poverty and Inequality Commission’s scrutiny of progress towards the child poverty targets during 2019-2020. It was prepared in order to inform the Scottish Government’s Child Poverty Delivery Plan progress report. It sets out the Commission’s views on:
the progress made during the reporting…
June 2020
The Poverty and Inequality Commission has published its Annual Report for 2019-2020. The Annual Report covers the period from 1 July 2019, when the Commission was established, until 31 March 2020 and outlines the wide range of work that the Commission has undertaken in its first nine months.…
June 2020
The Poverty and Inequality Commission have followed up on their previous briefing on food insecurity during the coronavirus crisis. The Scottish Poverty and Inequality Research Unit (SPIRU) carried out a survey of community organisations across Scotland and commissioners visited community projects speaking to workers and volunteers.
The findings…
June 2020
The Scottish Government has set up an Advisory Group on Economic Recovery to provide expert advice on Scotland’s economic recovery once the immediate emergency, created by coronavirus, has subsided. The Advisory Group wrote to the Poverty and Inequality Commission asking the Commission for its views on a number…
April 2020
The Poverty and Inequality Commission has published a briefing in response to evidence of a rise in food insecurity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The briefing welcomes all that has been done so far by the Scottish Government, local authorities and the Third Sector to put in place…
December 2019
The Poverty and Inequality Commission has published its work plan setting out the work it plans to do from November 2019 – June 2020. It covers the three things the Commission is set up to do: advice, scrutiny and advocacy. The Commission plans to publish a two year…